We all love our Wheels and tyres looking clean. Having a coating on your rims makes them stay clean for longer and easier to clean when you come to your next wash.
The Pure:est W3 wheel protection is designed to protect your wheels, keep them clean for longer and protect them from scratches. It creates an invisible coating which makes it harder for dirt to stick, keeping the wheels clean longer and making them easier to clean once they do get dirty. You’ll also notice that the W3 increases the gloss on the wheels. The W3 is super easy to use and the coating lasts for a couple of months.
How to use:
Firstly thoroughly clean the wheels with a quality wheel cleaner like pure:est W1 or W2. Dry them off completely, we recommend drying them with pressurised air since water drops has a tendency to find hidden spaces within the wheel and leave spots.

Once the wheels are clean and dry apply W3. Spray the W3 onto the wheel, let sit for a minute and then wipe off with a microfiber towel. Buff with a second clean and dry microfiber towel if required.